Quilled squares

I've been so busy.....I didn't have a lot of time to create a new design these past few days. Kinda sad about that. But now matter how busy I am, I still try to sneak in my studio to experiment on something new. I have been experimenting with quilling again.....and this time around I tried to make squares using the quilling technique.Gosh!!! It's so difficult!! You have no idea how many days it took me to quill these squares.

At first I made the squares a little bigger and loose. There were a lot of gaps in between the coils. I thought it looked ok in the beginning to me but then it was a struggle to glue the squares together to form a ketupat because the coils were too loose. Thus making my ketupat look so crooked and sloppy. After numerous tries, I realised that the squares had to be a little tighter and more compact so that it would join nicely together.

Another problem was to keep the squares in standard size. They have to be in the same size. Otherwise, I won't be able to make the form of the ketupat. Again.....after numerous tries, I knew it was high time I learn to use my circle template to get my squares in the desired size. First time ever learning it on my own how to do this.....just by watching online videos and step by step instructions from other quilling websites. Finally in the end, I got it! And this is how the whole quilling ketupat adventure began. :D

I remember last year's Raya cards that I made......mostly using different colors of ribbons....weaving them together to form a ketupat. This time around, I'm just quilling the paper to form a ketupat....in different color combination. I have a few more that I'm working on of different color combo.....will be posting them here soon :).  This design is so simple. No pop ups inside it. Although it looks pretty simple.....those 3 ketupat I made were pretty time consuming to create.......need a lot of patience to do it hehehe. I'm trying to keep the designs as simple as possible so that I can make more this year. Will see how it goes! :)


Asma’ AB said...

yeay! new shape.. hehe.. comel la ketupatnye kak lin.. as suke! yang reben kecik-kecik tu memang membangkitkan kemeriahan berhari raya! ^^

Allycat said...

So nice and fresh! Your cards are so tidy and clean. Colour combo so good!

mangosteenskin said...

beautiful lin! the idea is brilliant!

while in hanoi i found some pop-up cards and quill art. cuma sayang sekali mango tak beli satupun, coz we're in tight budget...dah tu, byk pulak design menarik yg mango lupa snap gambar.

later i share the quill and pop-card card photos that i took in hanoi. :) i thought of you and miyyah while seeing them. :)

Azlina Abdul said...

As...thank you! It was really difficult for me to do it....challenging betul nak buat squares tu in the beginning....tapi lama2 dah ok skit...still, it's not as perfect as your ketupat...your ketupat kemas sangat2! Tak tahulah canna you buat quilled squares tu, perfect squares! :)

Ally...thank you so much! :)

Mango....thank you so much! Oh! I can't wait to see the photos you took!!! Bestnyerrrrrrr!!!!! :)

Matt said...

Hi, your cards are so wonderful! do your cards do have copyright label on each of the cards you made? just wondering... =D

Azlina Abdul said...

Thanks Matt....yes they do have copyright labels on each of them :)

syasya said...

did you sell them? i wanna buy it...can i?

Azlina Abdul said...

Syasya...sure! I will reply your email ok! :) TQ!

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