My blog featured in InTrend Magazine :)

:) I was so surprised when I was informed by one of my blog readers yesterday that my blog was featured in InTrend Magazine June 2010 issue. I couldn't believe it at first.....until shortly after that I received an email from another customer mentioning that she knew about my card blog from the Intrend magazine! :D I had no idea that I was one of the bloggers featured in the Gaya Hidup : Klik and Blog segment. So, a big thank you to Asri for informing me hehehehe.....otherwise I would have never known about it! LOL! I didn't have the time to look for the magazine yesterday, so this afternoon I went to search for it.....luckily it's available at a nearby shop. :) This is the first time I bought this magazine....quite an interesting magazine I must say....quite good in quality hehehe......

In short.....they mentioned about how my customers are able to share their ideas with me in producing a personalized handmade card for them. It's true that some of the custom made handmade cards I've created here were sometimes produced with the basic ideas given to me by my the initial stage when we discussed about the colors of choice, themes, wordings, and what type of pop ups they prefer.....I do love to know and find out what my customers really want in their personalized  handmade cards. This is to ensure that they will get what they can't get in the usual card stores. It's important that I materialize their dreams. :) And by knowing what they want....I will try my level best to make it happen for them ....God willing :).

I would also like to say a big thank you to InTrend magazine for featuring my blog this time around.......even though I did not get to be the "Chosen Blogger" doesn't long as I was featured in it hehehe. It's an honor really :). Mucho mucho gracias everyone! :)


tiefazatie said...

congrates sis..=)wish u all da best!

Aisyah Helga said...

Congrats Lin!!

a.n.i.Q.u.e said...

what a feeling .... to see your work being featured in a magazine !!! it really is a compliment to you...


~FAWA~ said...

kak lyn..tahniah...!!!

Azlina Abdul said...

Thank you everyone for the lovely wishes!! :) Love you all!

nasuha ahmad helmi said...

taniah kak!! wow,bestnye dapat featured dalam magazine!

Grace to You said...

HOW EXCITING - CONGRATULATIONS!! Gosh, I just can't get over what a transformation your blog has undergone the past couple of months...and I'm glad to see that many others will find it now and enjoy it too.

Please don't forget all us little people when you make it big! ;D

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

congrates lin!! I hope there will be continous support to LIn's Handmade, so your spirit will go on and on and on... despite all the puke puke thing. hehe.

You're cool girl!

Azlina Abdul said...

Nasuha...terima kasih atas ucapan tu hehehe....appreciate it very much! :)

Thank you Sandi! hehehe! I'll never forget you most definitely! How can I'll always be in my heart...always ;).

Mango...Thank you so much! Insyaallah...semoga Allah berikan kesihatan yg baik juga utk Lin teruskan kerja ni...hehehe...semangat akan tinggi selagi ada supporters like you! You are a cool girl too! :)

::Kak Sambal:: said...

Lin, tahniah...wahhh...dah glamer dah nie...hehhee

Yann said...

love to hear that..

Asma’ AB said...

wow! congrat kak lin ;) erharu+jeles ni.. hehehe.. kagum dengan semangat akak dalam berpapercraft ^^

btw, as da buka blog for craft. tapi masih kosong lg. hee. ad ms, singgah-singgah la ye? akan diupdate tak lama lagi ;)

Fadzni & Azilah said...

Kak Lin! Congratsss !! Happy for you!


CikguKreatif said...

Tahniah Lin!!! suke dengar cerita happy camni

Moga LIn terus sukses....
Alang doakan terbaik ...Amin

Azlina Abdul said...

Mamalyna....hehehe....takdelah glamour sangat punnnnn....biasa jer hehehe....

Yan....thank you!!

As...thank you! heheheh..kelakar la you nih...wokey, akak dah jadi your follower pun...I will visit you often once you have uploaded your cards there! Tak sabar tul nak tengok hehehe....

Azilah....thank you so much!

Alang...terima kasih banyak2...hehehe Amin amin.... :)

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