For those who have no idea what Pay It Forward means....please read this:
The expression "pay it forward" is used to describe the concept of third party beneficiary in which a creditor who offers the debtor the option of paying the debt forward to a third person instead of paying it back. Debt and payments can be monetary or by good deeds. In sociology, this concept is called "generalized reciprocity" or "generalized exchange". A related transaction, which starts with a gift instead of a loan, is alternative giving.
So here's the thing.......There is a blogger Pay It Forward going on. The idea is this: As part of the Pay It Forward venture, I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leaves a comment here on my blog requesting to join the Pay It Forward exchange. I am not sure what that gift will be yet, and you will not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days! That is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is to Pay It Forward by making this same promise on your blog. I really love that this supports the random acts of kindness philosophy, & gives a boost to handmade, all in one. I'm looking forward to see who the first 3 people will be to comment! I will have to be able to contact you to get your gift to you, but we'll deal with that once you comment! So, on your marks, get set, go!
Me! Me! I want to be apart of Pay It Forward...hehe...serious eh!
You did it again! Changed your blog! Just like a woman! :) It looks great!!! You are doing fantastic! I love your pop-up! My DH has lots of books on them, but doesn't make them! So I showed him YOURS! :)
Ooo, I can't wait to see who else signs up for your PIF!!! One of my other people already got one too! Yea! I hope this goodness goes on & on!
Love you, sweetie!
Please count me in too. :)
OK! There's 2 participants! Kakchik and Sandi! Just one more place left! Quick people! Sign up now! :)
CC sweetie...thank you so much for letting me know of this beautiful idea! Love you too!
Lin, i guess i'll join too. i knew about this many months ago from an american blogger friend. but that time i was so afraid to start lol... ;)
Kue! Tq!!!!!! You're in!! :)
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