2014 Year End Blog Giveaway!

The time has finally come for me to do the last giveaway for this year. This time around, I have gathered more craft items to giveaway and it's more exciting too! I have here a complete set for quilling beginners, some colourful ribbons, colourful popsicle sticks, fancy stickers, templates, rubber stamps, craft punch, and two hand-bound books!! All this for one lucky winner!!

As usual, I don't make it difficult for anyone to enter my giveaway.....the rules are very very simple! Just follow the instructions below:

1. Everyone is eligible to enter this giveaway. I accept both local and international entries. But each person can only enter their name once.

2. You must promote this giveaway post at your site, either at blog or at your Facebook profile. Please make sure that you paste the photo and the link of this giveaway post at your site so that others can click and view the giveaway post here.

3. Copy the link of where you promoted this giveaway post and paste it at Mr Linky below so that I can check and view where you promoted my giveaway. Do write your real name at Mr Linky too.

4. Please click "LIKE" at my Facebook Page at the link HERE and do FOLLOW my blog too if you are a blogger. Don't forget to add me as your friend too on Facebook! Here's my link --> AZLINA ABDUL. Thanks a lot!!

So that's it! This giveaway starts today and ends at 12.00am on 15th of January 2015. The name of the winner will be announced a few days after that. Good luck everyone! And thank you so much for participating!!


Shylaashree said...

Who will tell no to your lovely giveways lin, Thanks for the chance

ellyscard creatief said...

Thanks for the giveaway,it, on my sidebar.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway. Shared on Facebook :) have a great day and Merry Christmas :)

KT Fit Kitty said...

This is so exciting! I would love to learn to quill - this is a lovely beginner set! Thank you very much - I am so happy just thinking about winning! I have promoted it on my facebook page (in the Linky above) and I have also added it to my sidebar for you - http://ktdesigns2013.blogspot.ca/.

I have been following your blog for quite a long time, and liking your fb page, and I enjoy your beautiful creations! Wishing you a joyful day!

fardhila fawwazy blogspot said...

done! hope i can win..hehe

Sandra J. Strickler said...

Awesome giveaway! I'm a new follower of your blog.

Hussena said...

Thank you so much for a chance to win these goodies! Have posted about it on my blog sidebar!

rozwillster@gmail.com said...

I have posted on my blog and also on Google + here -

Thanks for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

Semoga Kak Lin terus sukses!!!!

Beba Ifa said...

This is my 1st time visiting your blog, By the way, Happy blogging! I'm joining your segment! ^_^

Fara_nym | Hyoukurona said...

I love all ur crafts and thas the reason I follow ur blog since I first time visit here~...

Chanaka Aruna Munasinghe said...

I like to learn this.

Hani Rahman said...

Saya join ...

shamiera osment said...

Already join your contest.. nice work btw...


ana join ya

Caca said...

Caca Join giveaway ni^^


Caca said...

Caca Join giveaway ni ^^


Mar Mansor said...

saya join

Anak IbuAyah said...

87 :) Join yee kak. Semoga ada rezeki. In shaa Allah. Minat sangat barang craft tapi takde rezeki lagi nak memiliki.

Unknown said...

91 !!! yawww really excited to join this giveaway! and really love your design!

putra said...

just share on my facebook..i am still beginner on quilling art..semoga ade rezeki..amin.

AwekTrader said...

Dah join juga

alysahere said...



Salam Kak Lin. Saya juga sertai 'giveaway' ni.


nora razalli said...

dh bookmark, nnti join :)

Penulis Hingusan said...

I'm joining in ya.
Hope I'll be the winner.
InsyaAllah. ;)

Unknown said...

Ana join...

Su Hamid said...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the opportunity of winning such fabulous craft goodies!
I am a follower of your blog and I have also added your Giveaway image and link to my blog side bar!!!


හිම හංසි said...

Thank you for the lovely tutorials.waiting to win.

හිම හංසි said...

thank you for the tutorials and give this opportunity to win this amazing crafty items.

Unknown said...

Saya dh join. .May Allah ease your journey as greatest crafter in Malaysia

Rose Santuci-Sofranko said...

Oh wow, I LOVE this prize package! I love quilling... I added it to my FB main page ( https://www.facebook.com/Artists4God?fref=nf&pnref=story ) and to my FB Crafts group...and to your "linky"...hope I did it right. God bless!

Terbang said...

Done :)

Manu said...

love the giveaway Lin. Hoping to win this time.

Unknown said...

Wow, what a wonderful giveaway. Hope I'll be the lucky person to win it :)

Indu Jaisimha said...

Wow, thank u for the wonderful opportunity....have shared the pic at www.facebook.com/Kanasuart.13

Indu Jaisimha said...

wow, such a wonderful opportunity, thank you, the give away is awesome...

Indu Jaisimha said...

sorry, have already entered the contest, my number is 39. Please delete the recent request. thanks.

Unknown said...

Done :)

Unknown said...

I'm Done Lin... :-)

Unknown said...

wish you a great happy new year Azlina :) I cant take the eyes out from the picture !! Its really awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwesome give away !! tht I have ever seen !! from now am you follower and fan too :) hope to win :) lets see my luck :) !! waiting for the result eagerly

Unknown said...

awesome give away <3 hoping to win :)

Unknown said...

DONE.... :-)

Linas Handmade Cards said...

Done :)
All d best to me ;):)

Unknown said...

DONE! Am so excited! Your work is such an inspiration Kak Lin! Loveee!!!!


Zie Has said...

join :)


Jasbir Kaur Dalip (Beeray) said...

Awesome. Great gift for greeting card enthusiasts and to spruce creativity in kids to make their own cards! Shared

Sujana said...

wonderful collection

nayfatimahrasyid said...

come to check my no. #103
good luck to all and to me ;)

Queen Contest said...

Assalamualaikum, done :)


P/s: Last minute joined, sorry :(

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