Blog Giveaway --> February 2010!

OK MY LOVELY READERS!!! The time has come for the second blog giveaway of the year.....wooooohooooooo!!! :D I'm so excited! This time around, I'm giving away prizes for two lucky winners. I gave it a lot of thought and decided, why not I give prizes according to the number of the month of the year. For example, for January (First month) --> 1 winner, for February (Second month) ---> 2 winners, for March (3rd month) ---> 3 winners....and so on and so's that???? So as we go along, there will be more winners from each month. Cool huh?! hehehehe! That way....more people will be getting prizes here in months to come. :)

*Click on the photo to get a better view of the prizes! *

I am going to give away to 2 lucky winners ----- > 2 Handmade greeting cards (From my Valentines Day and Chinese New Year card collection) and some embellishments.

Here are the rules of this giveaway:

You can earn 1 or 2 entries by following the simple steps below....

To earn 1 entry:
1. You must "FOLLOW" this blog / "BE A FOLLOWER" and leave a comment on this post. You can comment anything you wish regards to my card blog. Be sure to also write your name and your valid email address at your comment.

To earn 2 entries:
1.You must "FOLLOW" this blog / "BE A FOLLOWER" and leave a comment on this post. You can comment anything you wish regards to my card blog. Be sure to also write your name and your valid email address at your comment. Then you must blog about this giveaway in your own blog and link my blog to yours.

*If you find yourself unable to sign in as a follower due to problems with the internet connection or for whatever reasons.....then no worries, write a comment on this post anyways, and you will be given 1 entry to participate in this blog giveaway. :)

Best of luck to all participants! This giveaway ends on the 9th of February 2010 at 11.59pm. A winner will be chosen by a lucky draw. The name of the winner will be announced on the 10th of February 2010. Thank you!!! :)))))

p.s. I'm hoping I can give more cards this time around.....but only if I can actually make them in time before the giveaway ends on the 9th! LOL! If I can....I'll update about it! ;) Thank you all!



Mama Zharfan said...

Salam Lin!!
wow..giveaway!! i love giveaways!! i dah follow ur blog..

i will blog about it soon..later i come here again and give the link

anyway my email :

I love ur cards..all of them..coz it's creative, unique, sweet, and made with care and love!!

adaNiff said...

wow! a giveaway? i'm already a follower of ur blog and love ur creative handmade cards!! i always wish that i'm as creative as u.. and i'm hoping to send a card to my beloved one on valentine's day :)

adawiyah hairuni

jazlin said...

salam k lin..
im already ur follower (credit to the new improve wifi..yay!) and i earn 2 entries this time :D..

i love your recent gong xi fa cai cards..
the colors is splendid..
the ribbons..where did u get those??
it is beautiful..i am a fan of floral printing fyi :))..

i hope luck is on my side this time..
please2 pick my name..


nur jazlin

this is the link to my blog

asma Pak Wahab said...

hi Lin!!
i think i'm the happiest person for this month february cos got the chance to join this giveaway as i missed the first one..

God!! i like..urmm..hard to make decision cos all of ur cards are really awesome..but to be specific really adore ur W005 card..only God knows how u get the idea to to that card..the combination of gold+black are perfect!! wish could show u some of my handmade card,but all of them were made on i made them i just give them to my friends.btw,hope to keep in touch with u after this to chat on your beautiful card!!

Nur Asma

Katy said...

Just discovered your blog, your cards are really pretty and so creative! Thank you for sharing them with us!

Mama Zharfan said...

yess...i dah blogged about this giveaway ..

--> i got 2 entries now ;) hoping to be one of the 2 lucky winners ;)

Kedai kami said...

ye2..nk join jugak
sy suke semua handmade card awk..
tp bookmark tu sy lg suke..sumenya sweet je

Nurul Huda

Azwani Shaari said...

salam kak lin... dah jadi follower n hopefully dpt jadi salah seorang daripada lucky winners tu :) My husband loves the HB052 very muchhhh.. sampai menitik air mata dia dpt kad tu :D

Norazwani Shaari

zai kulim said...

i love giveway..

and im already ur follower

ummie_mirahaziq said...

hai i dh join..

dh jd follower u

my email :

my entry :

nice cute..i like...u very creative

Anonymous said...

Salam sis lin..

i'm happy to know there's a giveway here.. ^_^
surely i'm in love with your cards..
specially the HB048..
too bad for me you're not giving it away.. =(
but i wish i'll be lucky this month..
and never stop creating more beautiful and fantastic cards!!
make it alive.. forever and always!

sofiyyah khanym z.khan

anin said...

dh blogged abt this


u rhandmade are owesome and really attractive.. nice and waaaa

aazie said...

salam kak lin...
azie minat yg nie...nmpk cntk je dgn color, coraqk die..simple jer

ieyza said... already ur follower n i want to join ur giveaway
cantik2 awk punyer craft..kreatif sungguh n saya berharap dapat salah satu daripadanya..InsyaAllah

nama:izza bt hassan

terima kasih

Perintis Masa Depan Anda said...

cantik kad2 yang lin buat...admire tengok

saya join


asfiedaimpiana said...

salam kak lin, really happy n xcited to find ur cool blog. setelah sekian lama mencari2 akhirnya jumpa. suke sgt dgn kad2 yg akak design chantek2 n really creative. neway im 1 of ur follower... k c again

kakihara said...

Love your work! I love to send cards for Chinese New Year--not so easy to find---thanks for the chance to win.

Wan Amira said...


im joining too.. and im trying to receive 2 entries, here is my link

your craft is lovely and creative. hope i can have handy hands like yours.. would be better if you put pictures of your craft at your sidebar as well.. :) i mean just the highlight punyer..
Followe ID: Em's Family


MamaRaisya a.k.a Lisa said...

hai...dh follow pn...
nama : Nor Marlisa
email :

Unknown said...


i have been reading ur blog for sometime and i love ur work...!
especially i love co lours and glitter.. and u use them all the time! great work ! i must say..
and i'd love to be a winner n receive ur fabulous card.. but im not in Malaysia..i'm from Sri Lanka so err can i get an entry????

oh forgot to say.. i'm Chami n here's my email id:

i'm trying to be a follower but my net connection is hell slow:(

Good luck with the work!!!!

Nea Flerida said...


dh jd ur follower..

suke card awk..
sweet2 sume..

id : neaflerida
email :

Henria O. said...

Hi! I'm new to your blog but love your cards. I'm a new follower/subscriber who lives in the U.S. while you are in Malaysia. Does that mean I can't enter? Anyway, great giveaway! Keep up the creativity!

Mutawwifah Maisarah said...

I'm here darling! Helo... Hello? can you see me? *waving.

Of coz! I like your handmades!!

adieda taib said...

A wishing thought,
always be cherished,
melts in your heart,
especially a handmade card...

Loves your card Lin...
and wish my heart will melt too!

adieda taib

::Kak Sambal:: said...

salam lin, ai join link saya..

harap2 ada rezeki saya...amin!!!

Ibu Ayra said...

salam lin...

akak dah join giveaway nih...
dah buat entri kat blog akak...

dan dah add your link kat my bloglist:

count me in ya....because really love ur handmade card...
very exclusive and cantikzzz....

id: ibu ayra

SujueZ said...

suka lah tengok kad yang cantik tuh

nor baizura

natasya merican said...

hi. wanna join ur giveaway! hope im not too late. (; love ur handmade card. wish i can get the card from this giveaway. ^_^

natasya merican (

thanks 4 the chance!

Unknown said...

Hello there. :)

I was browsing through the google's images with the keyword 'Chinese New Year Card' and I found yours.

Lin Handmade Greeting cards are too precious nd adorable, I like your themes, colours, nd the way you make it meaningful.

Im so happy to know that you're organizing a blog give-away, nd I screamed loudly when its 10++pm right now and I still got time to participate.

Well, this year is the 2nd year of me to celebrate Chinese New Year with my chinese boyfriend, im a malay girl btw. :)

This year may be the best celebration of Chinese New Year for us because Valentine's day happens to be on the very same day with Chinese New Year.

Im planning to give him a nice handmade greeting card of a combination of Chinese New Year and Valentine's day, make it one, just like our heart. :)

We are having a long-distance relationship so the greeting card will be a special and memorable gift for him.

If Im lucky enough to get your give-away pretty cards & stuff, its gonna be the most special day for me and him.

I've followed your blog.

Im going to blog about this on my personal blog because Im so excited about this. :)

One thing about it, my boyfriend loves to read my blog every day since thats one of the way he knows my routine.

Your blog give-away is the coolest thing ever since this is my first time I heard about this give-away, it is freaking awesome nd full w excitement.

Your cards give me inspiration nd I feel more excited for this coming Chinese New Year nd Valentine's Day! :)

I really hope I can be the chosen one, to get your beautiful give-away. :)

Goodluck for your coming handmade cards.




Unknown said...

salam,kak lin...

saya pernah leave a comment kat blog akak...

handmade yg kemas, attractive n showing me that u r very hardworking, determined and teliti...especially in quilling...perghh,chanteqq!!

pendek kata: AWESOME!

1. saya dh mmg follower blog ni
2. saya sdg leave a comment
3. maklumat diri saya:

id: amanah

semoga saya dpt jd pemenang akak!!hehe (first tima join)

Unknown said...

Hai Lin:)

wah, bestnya ada giveaway. btw, this is my first time join giveaway. hope can be a lucky winner. :)

tau blog craft ni dari time nak mencari craft2 yang menarik and i found urs.

very colourful and neat handmade. kasi kat kawan2 mesti dorang suka.


name: Dibah

Thank You.

p/s: saya tiada belog, jadi saya masih ada chance ke or anything i can do to pass this? hihi.

nitha said...

hi lin.
im following ur blog past few months.
u r my inspiration in making cards....happy to hear there give away.....would like to are marvellous.
thank q lin.

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