Hello everyone!
Hope everyone is doing well even though we are all going through a very rough time this year. Covid 19 definitely has changed me a lot these past few months. I've been feeling really down and have not been my usual self. I really miss crafting but I just couldn't bring myself to create anything new for the past 3, 4 months.
I've been keeping myself busy growing vegetables in my garden at home instead of crafting. It seems to be a big trend around the world these days to grow your own food and I just couldn't help myself to do the same. It's good therapy as well. Since I can't go out as much as I like anymore, staying at home and spending time in the garden in the morning seems like a good idea in the beginning. Honestly I love it till now. But it did occurred to me that I needed to get back to crafting as well. I received some lovely gifts from a dear friend some time ago on my birthday this year and those gifts somehow gave me some motivation to create something again.
I immediately got into the mood to do something creative but I had to clean up my room first because it was so dusty and messy. I've neglected it for the past few months. When I was cleaning up the mess, I stumbled upon a weaving project that I started way back in 2018. At the time I was so addicted to knitting, crochet and weaving. I did make a small weaved scarf at the time too using the same method. Then I got over ambitious and wanted to make a bigger and longer scarf. Unfortunately I didn't get to complete it back then because I was so busy doing so many things at the same time. So I decided to finish what I started. I still have one more knitting project that I started in 2018 left to complete. Not sure when I can get that one done though. But I'm glad that I manage to complete the blue weaved scarf once and for all.
To be honest, I don't think I will be weaving another scarf anytime soon. It's so difficult to do plus it takes so much of space in my craft room. So from now on wards I would just do crochet or knitting with a loom. If I ever wanted to weave again, it will only be in smaller sizes using a small loom that I bought some time ago. That would be exciting to try. I've always love trying out new tools.
This blue weaved scarf did not come out as nice as I expected but it's ok, as I am a beginner. I'm always glad that I did try it as it was a good experience. Anything new to try is always good for the brain. I love to challenge myself. There's definitely some flaws on the scarf which you may not be able to see clearly but I know where it is. So it's definitely not for sale, it's just for my own personal use. Weaving is very time consuming and needs a lot of patience. I'm just so relieved that it's done, haha!
Great Lyn !! I want to know more about this ....that i never seen ..kisses i think i u derstood enough without translate😅😅😅😅😅😅i thinkkk
Great Lyn !! I want to know more about this ....that i never seen ..kisses i think i understood enough without translate😅😅😅😅😅😅i thinkkk
That is a beautiful piece of work....and an attractive model!!!
I am so pleased you managed to finish it, wear it with pride.
Thank you Anna! Hope you will give it a try someday! :)
Thank you so much Christine! Yes, I am so glad I got it done this year. More to come in future hopefully :)
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Wow, What an Outstanding post tattoodesignspattern
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