July 2010 Blog Giveaway!!!

Hello my lovely readers!

It is that time of the month again when I hold a blog giveaway for my loyal readers :) For this month, since it is the month of July, month number 7.....so that means there will be 7 lucky winners who will be chosen this time around. :) For this month....I am so very very busy.....in fact I'm almost fully booked for the month.....but since this is something that I promised myself that I will do this year.....so I will do it no matter how busy I am. The prizes may be arriving to the winners a bit later than usual....but I promise you it will reach you by hook or by crook. :) A promise is a promise! :)

Those 7 lucky winners this month will be receiving each one a quilled heart card just like the photo you see above.....in various colors. No pop ups this time around....sorry ya. I plan to make them in 7 different color combination. So each one will receive a different colored quilled heart shape card. I only have 3 color combination here to show you , but I will be making more for you to see later. I will also be giving away 7 ribbon beaded bookmarks from my bookmark collection in my bead blog --->  ANILZA BEADS.

Prizes for July 2010 Blog Giveaway:
7 quilled heart cards
7 ribbon beaded bookmarks

Rules on how to participate in this blog giveaway is quite simple. Just follow the guidelines below to entitle yourself as a participant.

Here is how you can win the lovely prizes. You can earn an entry by following the simple steps below....

--- >For Bloggers..... you must be my follower . If you are already a follower in my blog, then  you are eligible to join.

----->For Twitters..... Be my follower in Twitter! :)

----->  Leave a comment on this post by writing your name and your valid/active email  
    address. Let me know if you are following my blog or my twitter.

-----> For Bloggers.....YOU MUST WRITE about this blog giveaway at your own respective blog and include the photo you see above in it as well. Don't just put the photo of the prize at your blog. You have to at least write about what the photo is about.  Then, link your post to this blog giveaway.  PLEASE add the URL link of your blog post in your comment area as well so that I can easily go and visit and read your post at your respective blog.

-----> For Twitters......YOU MUST TWEET about this blog giveaway as often as you can. :)

Ok! Those are the simple steps that you need to do in order to get an entry in this blog giveaway. Those who fail to follow will not be included in the lucky draw list. This giveaway ends on the 31st of July 2010 at 11.59pm. 7 lucky winners will be chosen by a lucky draw and the names of the winners will be announced on the on the first week of August 2010......All the best of luck to all participants! Thank you!!! :)



iYda Juhar said...


Yeayyy !!!!
Im the first commenter here :)
my name is iYda Juhar.
my email is iYdaJuhar@gmail.com

cogankata :
struggle to win the Giveway this month :)

nuraarin-life said...

Hi Lin,

Love to join your giveaway again..

Blog u makin lama makin improve, pilihan warna pada kad juga amat menarik.. Love all your design..


iYda Juhar said...

ok. im done.

here my 'exam paper'. heeee :)


chayukkk !!

~FAWA~ said...

kak lin....nak join...nanti saya wat n3 ya n post again here!!!

Mama Zharfan said...

hi lin,

i'm ur existing follower at ur blog.
name : mama zharfan @ suzi
email : suzie284@yahoo.com


NA. said...

Assalamualaikum kak lin,
saya sertai!

Terima kasih!

~FAWA~ said...

kak lyn...saya sudah join!!


Norida Akmal said...



Asma’ AB said...

colours of july! different colours tu memang menarik perhatian. hihi :)

so as join lagi! ;)

nama: asma' ahmad bahari

♥♫♥ZaiKuLiM♥♫♥ said...

Zai join



nur said...

hi.. first time join ur giveaway.. wish me luck..

and i folllowed u oredi..


mazlinasamin said...

first time jgk...
suka bangat ur blog...
baru jd follower sbb baru jer ade blog... hikhik


heygirl said...

Hi...I'm join again.



thanks ya

Allycat said...

Lin, thanks for another super giveaway. Hoping I'll be lucky this time. Love your hearts!

mummy khadijah said...

big fan of urs :D
ur twitter follower
all the best of luck to me ;D

tiefazatie said...

hye sis...
me odi folo ur blog b4 dis..hihi
want to try my luck again here..=)

my email: pinkteddy84@gmail.com
url: http://tiefazatie.blogspot.com/2010/07/july-2010-blog-giveaway.html

tq sis!hope me lucky..=D

Ayesha Roshani said...

Hi Lin,I am Ayesha from California..I love your cards sooooooo much and the ideas and colors and papers so on ETC...I been watching your cards since six months now.Everyday coming to my pc hoping you had make new cards...it's like a prayer,I am checking your cards everyday and I am addicted(LOL)be honest I had make one of your quilling card(by copying your idea)today(I hope you don't mind)and love it soo much.(quilled flowers and heart combo card)..But your card is way too nicer than mine :((Kind of jealous)..Thank you lin for SHARING your ideas with everybody.

Card Creations by C said...

Hi Lin,

I am giving it another try to see if I am lucky this time :)

my email is: cardcreationsbyc@gmail.com

The post I made about your give away can be found here:


And I am loving the changes you have made to your site.

Maneka said...


I added ur blog giveaway to my blog
The link is here


my email is chami.glitter@gmail.com

Wish I'll win this time...:)

Chami from chamicrafts....:)

Unknown said...

hi kak lin,..
i've joined your blog giveaway! thank you for the invitation


email: sakinaadam@gmail.com

TheBubblyMe said...

Salam Lin,

Definitely joining the crowd for the card giveaway! its beautiful!


email : ainey55@gmail.com

Wanie said...

Salam Lin~

Me want to join the fun too!! =)I've followed and linked ur blog ;)

my email:
idina_el@yahoo.com OR idina1985@yahoo.com


Thanks a dozen!

kak gojes said...

salam cik Lin ni link sy..


Hungry Iban said...

Ola Lin!

Dah follow, now nak join contest!


Ummu umar said...

Dah follow (412)

::Kak Sambal:: said...

salam, saya join..


tq so much:D

Ummu umar said...

Dah post entry..Klik sini !
Harap pass! >_<

cikbedahlaser said...

aritu nye GA terlepas...
this time i wont let it get away...

this is my link...


my name : rafidah
email pidah_kawai@yahoo.com


zatty myra said...

salam..hye lin..
minat sangat kt ur card.mira nk join.jap ag mira submit my link k.mybe mira org yg last skali join this giveaway..*wink*hehe..luv u

Nea Flerida said...

Salam kak lin,..

kita join lg nie... heheh


zatty myra said...

salam..hye again lin..
ni link ntuk my blog tau.hope dapat la quilled card dr lin..hehe

ni email mira: amiizzati@gmail.com

sukses always..peace

CHINI said...

this is so cute I like so much
PVC cards

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